Nuovo rilascio per Firefox, il browser di casa Mozilla che con questo rilascio arriva alla release 19. La novità principale di Firefox 19 (o meglio l'unica) è la presenza del lettore PDF integrato, lettore che in verità era già possibile attivare dai settaggi avanzati nella precedente versione, ma che ora giunge preattivato e nella versione finale giudicata adatta all'uso di tutti i giorni.
Di seguito il changelog completo:

What’s New

  • NEW
    Built-in PDF viewer
    Canvas elements can export their content as an image blob using canvas.toBlob()
    Startup performance improvements (bugs 715402 and 756313)
    Debugger now supports pausing on exceptions and hiding non-enumerable properties
    Remote Web Console is available for connecting to Firefox on Android or Firefox OS (experimental, set devtools.debugger.remote-enabled to true)
    There is now a Browser Debugger available for add-on and browser developers (experimental, set to true)
    Web Console CSS links now open in the Style Editor
  • HTML5
    CSS @page is now supported
  • HTML5
    CSS viewport-percentage length units implemented (vh, vw, vmin and vmax)
  • HTML5
    CSS text-transform now supports full-width
    Certain valid WebGL drawing operations are incorrectly rejected, leaving incomplete rendering in affected pages (825205)
    Starting Firefox with -private flag incorrectly claims you are not in Private Browsing mode (802274)
    Plugins stop rendering when the top half of the plugin is scrolled off the top of the page, in HiDPI mode (825734)

Known Issues

    If you try to start Firefox using a locked profile, it will crash (see 573369)
    For some users, scrolling in the main GMail window will be slower than usual (see 579260)
    Mootools 1.2.x incompatible with Firefox 18 and newer.Fixed in Mootools 1.3 and newer (see 789036)
    Some function keys may not work when pressed (see833719)
    Unresolved on v19 Resolved in v21

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