Qualche tempo fa vi parli del Mint Spirit Fonts, il carattere studiato per dare un tocco in più di personalità a Linux Mint, la derivata più famosa di Ubuntu.
Quest'oggi, sul forum ufficiale di Linux Mint è stata postata la versione beta di Mint Spirit Fonts
Ma vediamo cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione
- Finally, as many asked off forum, I worked on Aze, balkan, Cyrillic and Greek characters sets before all. Some additions for Uralistic usage. Basic kerning is made for them. I will complete my kern pairs data to the final release. But enough for Cyrillic users to test.
- Some glyphs design changes : like "y" and "a, d, u" with italic styles. ( some don't like the previous "y" form, hum...)
- Xheigth is slightly rehanced (just enough).
- Additional ligatures (cl, ch, ck, sl, sh, sk, fb, etc...).
- Addition of the common "Caps" features like hyphen cap, parenright cap or left etc...
- Additional lining figures with tabolstyle and fitted (not tested)
- Alternate "Q"
- Mint leaves ornements available with two pairs (left and right -> See PDF)
- Opentype features for all compoments available from the fonts are included.
- Mint Spririt fonts use now the OFL license version 1.1.

Mint Spirit Fonts Beta può essere scaricato al link che segue